How to make a DIY kick drum pedal

How to make a DIY kick drum pedal

If you are the type of musician like myself, who has a couple of tools in his garage, and you enjoy making your own instruments, why not try and make your own kick drum pedal? Or even a full kit?
Well, let's start small, get our hands dirty and see what happens.

A couple of days ago, by searching the internet I found a couple of good "Instructables" of DIY kick drum pedals. Here are some useful videos and links to get you started:

(DIY wooden pedal with a good explanation on how it works)

    (a step-by-step process of making one)

(Another step-by-step instruction)

If you do want to make one of these for yourself, all you have to do is have some basic tools (a drill, a saw, a screwdriver, etc.), some scrap wood, and some screws and nuts!
Well, I'm in the process of making one myself - I'll update you with pictures as soon as I finish it.
Just be creative and remember - you might not get it right the first time you try, but don't stop trying until you make it work!
Good luck!


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